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It’s not a documentary. There are differences, compressed chronologies, a couple of completely invented scenes. And some of the Britt baker main event role model 2022 shirt and I love this moments that feel like playback have nuance now. That’s because so much has shifted since 2017: The #MeToo movement has exploded, endured, and suffered backlash. Like many workplaces, the New York Times newsroom has been upended by the pandemic. Harvey Weinstein is a convicted rapist serving a decades-long sentence. But the film’s focus on process and on truth feels just as relevant now—and it serves as a reminder of what journalists and courageous sources can accomplish together. It also may reach people who have never heard these stories before. We both have daughters who were babies during the investigation, and after the film’s trailer, they each had the same question: “Who is Harvey Weinstein?”